General waste that doesn’t belong in the other bins.
Isn’t a bin but a plastic bag for plastic.
Lets say we didn’t have a bag specifically for plastic, that waste would have ended up in 4. Most of 4 is burned. By putting plastic in its own bag it increased the amount of plastic returned to waste management and reduced the amount left out in nature and burned.
We’ve been dealt a shit hand, but we can try making the best out of the situation. Giving up isn’t an option.
Fudge, formatting fooled me! Since 1-4 were numbers and the 5th didn’t have to be a number but just “Bag”, when I wrote it without a number it didn’t start on the next line, but at the end of “4”. Edited the comment to show it better.
The 4th is a bin, and the last one (5th for clarity) is a big plastic bag.
We sort trash in 4 bins and one bag.
Lets say we didn’t have a bag specifically for plastic, that waste would have ended up in 4. Most of 4 is burned. By putting plastic in its own bag it increased the amount of plastic returned to waste management and reduced the amount left out in nature and burned.
We’ve been dealt a shit hand, but we can try making the best out of the situation. Giving up isn’t an option.
Sorry I don’t follow.
Is 4 a bin or a bag?
Is everything in 4 bagged or only the plastic?
How does bagging the plastic avoid it being left out in nature or burned?
Fudge, formatting fooled me! Since 1-4 were numbers and the 5th didn’t have to be a number but just “Bag”, when I wrote it without a number it didn’t start on the next line, but at the end of “4”. Edited the comment to show it better.
The 4th is a bin, and the last one (5th for clarity) is a big plastic bag.
Here we just ship out plastic to SEA and they toss out whatever they cannot use
And there’s people who thing trash bins in general are just optional