There’s always more. And even, in the best case possible, he had to pay solely and completely alone, you really think he’d even notice? In the time I wrote this he made more.
The victims are those who want musk punished. Sadly those beyond ‘rich’ are basically untouchable. The minute you wrote this, musk made more than the insurance would raise.
And even if he would not have, what would happen?
If you had a million and I’d rob you of a fraction of a cent, how much would that affect you?
There’s always more. And even, in the best case possible, he had to pay solely and completely alone, you really think he’d even notice? In the time I wrote this he made more.
Sounds to me like it’s a victimless crime then.
The victims are those who want musk punished. Sadly those beyond ‘rich’ are basically untouchable. The minute you wrote this, musk made more than the insurance would raise. And even if he would not have, what would happen? If you had a million and I’d rob you of a fraction of a cent, how much would that affect you?
We covered this, it’s not the case
You are surely entitled to your opinion. But reality doesn’t care.