Compare LA to Phoenix AZ and you go from the description of all the things the green text says are aren’t true to them being reality. 4 Chan is probably filled with people from conservative shitholes hating life because they live in a conservative shithole
I don’t recommend them at all, conservative shitholes I mean unless maybe you are very well off and have passive income. Living in a place where people are basically ready to freak out over someone saying good morning as they pass and all the weird hate and suspicion towards everyone around them isn’t healthy. It’s like a culture built around having an enemy freaks out when there’s no immediate external one and looks for enemies within.
Maybe it’ll be gay people maybe it won’t necessarily be that bad for them, hate culture is fickle and not based around logic, sometimes it’s something of a comfort blanket for some people. Some people respond to be controlling and and others that claim to be in power and project control. People who grow up under “My house, my rules” type of homes grow up and vote for people who project that aura.
Yeah other comments have a point that you can run into assholes anywhere, but politics most definitely shape communities no matter how much people say they don’t. Redlining shaped entire communities for over half a century, to pretend a neighborhood built around being held down because it’s primarily an out group is suddenly going to have a drastically different way of life after some policies stopped is moronic. That’s only one thing that causes a culture built around stratification, there’s plenty of problems. Sometimes the damage is already done and actual policies need to be done to reverse it or else people are just stuck. Some policies are hard to really get into detail and convey just exactly how damaging they are especially to people who were never even taught those policies exist to begin with.
I know that this isn’t exactly what you were getting into, I guess I just wanted to dig a bit further into my points seeing as how people are still interested days later. Getting into the politics of it requires some knowledge of history. Basically political landscapes shape culture for better or worse
Compare LA to Phoenix AZ and you go from the description of all the things the green text says are aren’t true to them being reality. 4 Chan is probably filled with people from conservative shitholes hating life because they live in a conservative shithole
I’m of the opinion that you shouldn’t raise kids in conservative shit holes. What if they are gay?
I don’t recommend them at all, conservative shitholes I mean unless maybe you are very well off and have passive income. Living in a place where people are basically ready to freak out over someone saying good morning as they pass and all the weird hate and suspicion towards everyone around them isn’t healthy. It’s like a culture built around having an enemy freaks out when there’s no immediate external one and looks for enemies within.
Maybe it’ll be gay people maybe it won’t necessarily be that bad for them, hate culture is fickle and not based around logic, sometimes it’s something of a comfort blanket for some people. Some people respond to be controlling and and others that claim to be in power and project control. People who grow up under “My house, my rules” type of homes grow up and vote for people who project that aura.
Yeah other comments have a point that you can run into assholes anywhere, but politics most definitely shape communities no matter how much people say they don’t. Redlining shaped entire communities for over half a century, to pretend a neighborhood built around being held down because it’s primarily an out group is suddenly going to have a drastically different way of life after some policies stopped is moronic. That’s only one thing that causes a culture built around stratification, there’s plenty of problems. Sometimes the damage is already done and actual policies need to be done to reverse it or else people are just stuck. Some policies are hard to really get into detail and convey just exactly how damaging they are especially to people who were never even taught those policies exist to begin with.
I know that this isn’t exactly what you were getting into, I guess I just wanted to dig a bit further into my points seeing as how people are still interested days later. Getting into the politics of it requires some knowledge of history. Basically political landscapes shape culture for better or worse
Yeah, this is what people don’t get. Anon goes out in NY and sees that. Go out in Bumfuck, Utah and this are very different
Hey, I live in Utah, and it’s not bad. Sure, there are a bunch of Trumpers, but most of the people are chill. Even in the middle of nowhere.
You can find good and bad areas everywhere. If you avoid the worst of it, pretty much everywhere is livable with people.
This has nothing to do with right/left political inclinations. In the real world people just associate based on things they have in common.
I imagine it can vary wildly within both of those cities. I guarantee that both cities you mention have areas where everything OP said holds true.