I had Tesla sales reps at my WeWork office one week back in like 2019 iirc. They had a very aggressive sales campaign for a while at least. One even offered to have me test drive a Model 3 right their in the parking garage, which I declined.
So yes, they were making it very easy. Have you ever had car salesman show up at your office?
Many bought the thing 5+ years ago when Tesla was basically the only electric with a real charging network…
Until relatively recently, if you were an American who wanted to buy an electric car and wanted to guarantee you wouldn’t be stranded somewhere with a dead battery, Tesla was literally the only option.
K live in your fantasy bubble and revise history all you want, not even a decade ago Teslas were considered very good cars, and the only viable electric option for some. Not hard to figure out why people bought them then, just like it’s not hard to figure out why people are selling them now.
Switching cars isnt easy but buying an expensive one made by a madman is?
I had Tesla sales reps at my WeWork office one week back in like 2019 iirc. They had a very aggressive sales campaign for a while at least. One even offered to have me test drive a Model 3 right their in the parking garage, which I declined.
So yes, they were making it very easy. Have you ever had car salesman show up at your office?
Until relatively recently, if you were an American who wanted to buy an electric car and wanted to guarantee you wouldn’t be stranded somewhere with a dead battery, Tesla was literally the only option.
I had all of those things and didnt buy one as many others. Crazy that when you buy a car from a nazi lunatic things dont work out
K live in your fantasy bubble and revise history all you want, not even a decade ago Teslas were considered very good cars, and the only viable electric option for some. Not hard to figure out why people bought them then, just like it’s not hard to figure out why people are selling them now.
You mean the car they have been paying down on? That’s less expensive