• ThunderWhiskers@lemmy.world
    9 hours ago

    History shows that lasting change happens when people organize, persuade, and build coalitions. That doesn’t mean ‘coddling’ extremists, but it does mean recognizing that not everyone who votes a certain way is beyond reason. Writing off everyone as an enemy is how you lose, and I assume you don’t want to lose.

    The problem is we have two groups of people remaining in support of conservatives in the United States. We have the unapologetically evil; and this group will not be reached. Then we have the irreparably stupid. This group is much larger, and capable of reform, but is clearly so incapable of higher level reasoning that they can’t recognize that they have been voting against their own best interests time and time again, despite everyone in the left screaming at the top of their lungs.

    Donald trump has made it apparent that the only way to reach these morons is through their emotions. We clearly cannot appeal to their sense of empathy, so we will make them feel a shame so deep they cannot hide from it.