People are so brainwashed for thinking this is heartwarming and not incredibly fucked.
This is literally what “black excellence” is, but calling it out makes you (internally) racist, a pick me for the nazis, or a black person who is white on the inside.
This post is inspirational and any problem you have with it is racially motivated.
What are you on about?
Anything labeled as “black excellence” often has the person in an unhealthily overworked and vulnerable state, with the message being if this person can work at McDonald’s with a baby then all of your problems are non issues and you have no excuse to be suffering.
The black community defends this abusive shit because they take pride in being “strong”. They’d overwork their children to near death for a high school diploma, and when the children have zero energy for anything else in their lives they’re so lazy. They are power hungry dictators as parents because they believe the trauma will make the children “strong”.
If any other race did that it’s abusive, but when black people do it it’s “empowerment”. The mother takes pride in being a Strong Black Woman and the baby will 100% use this upbringing to flex on their peers for Having A Hard Childhood.
Oh, right, I’m white on the inside. I should go back in my lane playing animal crossing and listening to Taylor Swift. There is no toxicity in the black community.
I see. Thanks for explaining. I am not familiar with this concept as there really are not many black people where I live and also the whole work culture is quite different.
Interesting point, but I think meme culture is also programming people to stop thinking the moment their outrage is triggered. There’s a group consensus that acknowledging any other factors besides the evil in a situation is a defense of that evil.
The crowd clearly agrees with you on that, but many people are able to continue thinking even after they feel outrage.
Who said I’m outraged? Don’t project, please. Also, implying I’m not thinking by disagreeing with the sentiment that this is heartwarming. Gtfoutta here with that bullshit take.
Uhhh, your comment wasn’t about yourself, you said, “People are so brainwashed…” and I as well was commenting about people thinking beyond outrage, which is an observation just like observing that people are brainwashed.
We live in the wealthiest nation on the planet in a technologically advanced civilization.
Everyone needs to understand things are only still this absurd because we allow a small percentage of people to live better than any kings from the past ever lived off the backs of the rest of us. Hording the vast majority of our wealth.
We absolutely have the means to prevent people from having to take their kids to fucking work with them but we choose to let billionaires do things like dismantle our government and destroy our international relations instead.
Everyone needs to understand things are only still this absurd because we allow a small percentage of people to live better than any kings from the past ever lived off the backs of the rest of us. Hording the vast majority of our wealth.
We absolutely have the means to prevent people from having to take their kids to fucking work with them but we choose to let billionaires do things like dismantle our government and destroy our international relations instead.
it takes a village to raise a child…
it takes a Corporation to exploit a family for their personal gain.
does anyone actually see this and think it’s heartwarming???
This gives me the same vibe as all those “feelgood” stories about communities coming together to pay for some valued member’s back surgery or cancer treatment or something.
It’s nice people do that, but what about people that are less liked, and how is it that we have so much wealth going around, and yet extremely basic things like healthcare are still factors people need to concern themselves with being able to afford?
Not at all… I bet the manager would have sacked her if she could.
iT rEaLlY dOes TaKE a ViLLagE
That village failed.
The thing is, this is a situation where there was no village. She’s her own village, working and taking care of her kid simultaneously. “It takes a village” would mean someone else watched her kid without question because she needed someone. So this is dumb on a lot of levels.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking too. A village would involve someone helping this woman in some way, not just making her do everything and then taking a picture of it for (presumably) social media clout.
I like that “it takes a village” means bringing your child to work, and not having the support to either have someone/some facility watch your child if you chose to work, or having actual paternity leave. Nor does it mean being paid enough that if you had to just not work, you and yours wouldn’t be in the street.
How inspiring.
Orphan crushing machine…
The manager was generous enough to let her carry her child while working, but not generous enough to pay her enough to get childcare, or provide it themselves?
It reminds me a bit of the story of a mother going in for a job interview, and shortly after, being arrested for child negligence/endangerment, because she’d left her child unattended (in the same area) while attending said interview. This situation feels like it’s setting up for that kind of thing.
I mean, it’s McDonald’s. The manager doesn’t have the ability to pay her a living wage. The manager is a wage slave as well, or even worse on salary while having to cover so many shifts they’re barely averaging minimum wage themselves.
No, the person you’re mad at is the franchise owner.
And, depending on the store, the franchise owner could be barely breaking even despite paying employees so poorly.
Restaurants, and especially Fast food, is a very low margin industry unless the stores are churning through a significant number of orders consistently throughout the day.
Source: managed a fast food store for a couple years that, after all costs, barely broke even most months of the year.
her manager let her work <3 <3 <3
awwwwww what a truly great person
Let’s be realistic, her manager didn’t have the authority to pay her if she couldn’t make it in and she needed the money.
As fucked as it is, they may have actually been helping to the best of their ability. The ‘manager’ may make $1.50 more per hour.
That’s not a village, the village would be someone watching the kid while mom works.
The village would be birth control, abortions and sterilizations being available to anyone who needs them so that 17 year old children aren’t having children in the first place
Here, they are all readily available. And we still end up with teen moms. Some people just can’t.
The village would provide for the mother while she stayed home raising her child…
I’m happily child free but there’s a lot of folks out there who don’t understand why someone like me would choose not to have kids.
It’s because it’s a fucking huge responsibility that apparently falls completely to the mother. Fuck that.
I agree with everything except:
that apparently falls completely to the mother. Fuck that.
I understand why you might say that, but as a single dad who has done 90% of the work while working crazy hectic jobs (and has maybe lost a chunk of sanity to it all), fuck that view. It’s part of the reason I’ve been on an island (metaphorically, I WISH literally) for more than a decade. Everyone telling me I’m doing the right thing, but still treating me as a pariah. Where are the scholarships for single fathers or the programs targeted at us? Do we not count? It’s seen as almost “creepy and weird,” it seems. Fuck. That.
“Oh, let’s do a playdate! Oh, your husband is jealous, too? Okay. Well, fuck me, I guess.”
I’m not sure I understand. Sounds like you are suffering BECAUSE society wants this responsibility to fall completely on the mother. We don’t even have a functional way for you to do that job without confusion and hostility.
Huh. Good point.
I feel your frustration. My dad raised my sister and I while mom worked (she made more money) and he was the best dad ever, but people would get so confused when a man dropped off 2 little girls to daycare or took them grocery shopping. Then when we were getting into our teens he tried to rejoin the workforce. He went to interviews with a guy who straight out told him not to lie about staying home with his kids, that they don’t care if he was in jail or had a rough go, but they can’t stand liars…
He ended up having to start his own business because no one would hire a man who was 45 and had been out of the work force for 11 years, despite him self-training most of that time on computers and passing the Microsoft exams at the time.
Whatever bullshit the world has put on you, it sounds like you are doing right by your kid. And that means a lot. I hope you start to see the changes you need in this world, even if they are too late for you.
Honestly, the village is everything that was listed here. Including the workplace finding a way to be child friendly. Even a restaurant.
It is currently too hard to have kids, and you can see that less people are doing it because everyone is so insensitive to it.
Not to mention, this post might also cost her Job for breaking policy.
Capitalism Baby Capitalism. Nazi can have every luxury but a single mom food? How Dare you
That’s the opposite of a village
I’ve seen this personally here in Georgia, and I mean more than once.
Watch her get fired over this.
Capitalism equals a miserable life for most people, we should free ourselves.
but for many (and we know who) your misery cancels out THEIR misery.
as long has YOU are suffering more than they…They win. which is why “Owning the Libs” is to them desirable. and a sufficient reason for self harming behavior.
it is an insane point of view…but there you go.