“Fucking” is great, how could it be an insult like “fuck you”? Perhaps a word can have multiple meanings. While thinking about it, I have actually never heard anyone say retard to someone who is a handicapped person. Only as a insult to assholes.
It’s like hysterical, though yes it was at one time an umbrella term for some pretty crazy stuff is also a word with meaning and no actual diagnosis behind it.
Trump keeps proving how retarded he is
Use better insults.
Please don’t use the ‘r’ word. It’s extremely offensive. Feel free to hate Trump all you want, but that word is offensive. Please edit.
They are their own authority, they can say what they want
The euphemism treadmill is silly.
“Fucking” is great, how could it be an insult like “fuck you”? Perhaps a word can have multiple meanings. While thinking about it, I have actually never heard anyone say retard to someone who is a handicapped person. Only as a insult to assholes.
It’s like hysterical, though yes it was at one time an umbrella term for some pretty crazy stuff is also a word with meaning and no actual diagnosis behind it.