• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I don’t think it’s meant as a health food, as far as reality goes, as well as their basic stance, IIRC. It’s more about offering up the occasional option.

    Personally, I treat it the same way as I would beef, if I still ate it - something to eat every once in a great big while. Usually, I’ll take that option if I’m eating somewhere with omnivores and the menu options are rather narrow…we also have some in the freezer at the house, but I maybe have one a month? Back when I still ate beef - a long time ago - I’d eat burgers at maybe about the same rate.

    With the jamokes they have running things now - even if I was an omnivore, there is no way you could get me to eat ground beef at a restaurant or cooked at home from the grocery store. It was already a rather high-risk item for fecal matter and so on. With these deregulation-addicted goons and people actively trying to break every government service, I’d say that risk is set to skyrocket.