They’re not wrong. Food Safety has been under attack by Republicans for years and Democrats won’t fight for it, letting it continue to be defunded and understaffed. The politicians don’t care about us.
To be fair, it’s not The Jungle level, although, yes, things could be far, far better all the way around. Ideally, the government would stop being a huge booster for eating redonkulous amounts of meat, dairy and eggs.
There are many, many things that could be done better, but Bronzo seems poised to show us how much better things have advanced since the days of The Jungle.
Even before Bronzo set about to break things, there are a few gaps - like the way shit-water from farms can end up being sprayed on vegetables, thus giving food-borne illnesses that should not even be a thing to vegetarians, too.
That said, the system works far better than it could be. Things could always get worse, and the idiots that voted for Bronzo and fElon are about to find out just how stupid the claim that “government never did anything for ME, so let’s break it!!” really is…
The USA had food safety?
Yes its actually really good for what it is
doing the heavy lifting in your comment.
They’re not wrong. Food Safety has been under attack by Republicans for years and Democrats won’t fight for it, letting it continue to be defunded and understaffed. The politicians don’t care about us.
To be honest, from everything I’ve heard about you food “standards” it sounds like the Republicans won a very long time ago
To be fair, it’s not The Jungle level, although, yes, things could be far, far better all the way around. Ideally, the government would stop being a huge booster for eating redonkulous amounts of meat, dairy and eggs.
There are many, many things that could be done better, but Bronzo seems poised to show us how much better things have advanced since the days of The Jungle.
Even before Bronzo set about to break things, there are a few gaps - like the way shit-water from farms can end up being sprayed on vegetables, thus giving food-borne illnesses that should not even be a thing to vegetarians, too.
That said, the system works far better than it could be. Things could always get worse, and the idiots that voted for Bronzo and fElon are about to find out just how stupid the claim that “government never did anything for ME, so let’s break it!!” really is…