Hi fellow selfhosters!
What hostnames do you use for your systems and services?
And maybe why if it’s an interesting story.
I’ll start:
Steam Deck: krax
Smartphone: krix (once I get LineageOS installed again)
MiniPC: krux
Reserved for future use: krex & krox
Creative, I know. 😅 The names have no deeper meaning. The x comes from Linux. That’s it.
I know some of you use god names of certain pantheons, such as Thor. But I find that boring as a lot of people are doing that.
Now let your pants down and tell me all about
your embarrassing host names!
My phone’s name is “Samsung Smart Fridge™” because I think it’s hilarious if someone is looking at hotspots or network info and go “what the hell is a fridge doing here-”
I’ve named my last few computers after planets, with disks named after moons.
When I worked at Microsoft they had all kinds of clusters - OurGang with Spanky, Darla, Alfalfa… Addams with Gomez etc, Disney with Mickey, etc.
I’m similar, but it’s internal drives are planets, while external drives are moons.
I usually name my devices after Greek gods and godesses; Artemis, Hermes, Metis, Athena, Apollo etc.
Shit I thought I was so damn novel. Blast you.
Server (big iron): Bender
Desktop (main character): Fry
Laptop (for accounting): Hermes
Netbook (small and dumb): Nibbler
Phone (held to my head): BrainSlug
HTPC (one big viewport): Leela
This is my scheme as well! Pretty much to the t. Except my HTPC is hypnotoad and nibbler is my NAS.
OMG Hypnotoad HTPC is so much better! Why didn’t I thnnk of that?
Three-letter words that can be typed with one hand, since I have to type them frequently.
$ egrep "^([qwertasdfgzxcvb]{3}|[yuiophjkllnm]{3})$" /usr/share/dict/words
Username checks out
Yes, yours too.
You have a mighty big hand if you reach l and a with the same one
Mine just moves 😉
This is the way.
Y’all are too creative for me… I have:
- poweredge-r520-0
- poweredge-t620-0
- poweredge-t620-1
- pi4-0
- pi3b-0
- pi3b-1
- pi3b-2
- pi3b-3
- vostro-3525-0
- ideapad-c340-0
I have to ask, why start with 0? I never understood this with infrastructure. I would do something like 00000 if I did numbers so it would be easy to sort, but I always started with 1. I’m just curious.
Finally someone who actually uses a Vostro. Always found that name unreasonably funny.
This is basically how I do it too.
I used to be more creative but then I got in the habit of running more servers and swapping hardware more frequently so it got harder to remember what hardware I was actually connecting to. Now they get hardware based names and everything else is named by service-based Ansible roles.
My home network is called The IT Clowd with these devices:
- Moss - physical server
- Roy - physical server
- Jen - vm - main docker host
- Richmond - vm - *arr stack
- Denholm - vm - monitoring, logging
- Douglas - vm - Home Assistant stack
- Basement - vm - development server
I use zerg units.
- NAS is named Nydus
- Homelab with a GPU is Hydralisk
- Jail instance that I can use for random cron jobs is Drone
I name my devices after greek gods based on what I’m going in life at the time or after what their purpose is.
I named my first gaming PC “Poseidon” when I was doing ship related work. Now it’s my server.
My gaming PC is “Asclepius”, the Greek god of healing. Built when I got into healthcare.
Hermes, god of messeges, is my lil pi that helps with routing (pihole, pivpn, nginx).
My HTPC is Dionysus, Greek god of wine and parties.
My thinkpad is Persephone cus it looks good but doesn’t do much. I might rename it.
The services that I run on these are just named “device-service” e.g. hermes-nginx
fuck, this is way better than my current naming scheme of "customer-<devicepurpose>, I’m stealing it for my next setup.
I do the same but Egyptian
But, living in tight suburban spaces, I’m never confused whether a device is mine or somebody else’s.
Me too: firstname-device_model
I feel so boring!
Uhg y’all actually have creative names, here are mine:
My homelab - Pero-base
My main PC - Pero-main
My laptop - Pero-portable
My other server - Pero-webI swear I’m not a narcissist.
Colour + noun:
- redbug
- bluecar
- yellowboat
MacBook Pro:
Raspberry Pi 2:rpi2.domain.com
Raspberry Pi 3:rpi3.domain.com
Raspberry Pi 4:rpi4.domain.com
Raspberry Pi 5:rpi5.domain.com
(Yes, I have one of each.)
Synology DS415+:ds415.domain.com
Nintendo Switch:switch.domain.com
I’m missing the rpi1 in that list. Please fix ASAP.
That one was called just
, but didn’t stand the test of time…
I envy you so much
Wait until I tell you about all the small issues this zoo of devices brings with it… haha.
My laptop is called xontros-gatos, which in my native language means fat-cat. Similarly, my server is called server-cat, a small laptop that I have for testing stuff is called small-cat and a new laptop that I just got is called fatter-cat.
I went with Willow related naming.
My main server and NAS is Madmartigan. Proxmox server is Willow. Headless gaming machine is Sorsha. Bedroom/office laptop is Elora Danan Living room laptop is High Aldwin Then two raspberry Pi’s named Rool and Franjean.
I’m not even into Willow that much, I just wanted to find a world of characters I liked.