I apologize if this is old news, but I just noticed it. It looks like Kagi has added Fediverse Forums as a default Web search option.
I apologize if this is old news, but I just noticed it. It looks like Kagi has added Fediverse Forums as a default Web search option.
Read my comment again, because I neither accused you of anything nor reduced your argument. I’m not the original poster you replied to
When did I say that? Point out one single line that even remotely implies this. Flagrant strawman. What else would you call it?
It’s a leading question and you know it. You should’ve asked “how do you think search engines should operate?” You’re implying I am content with how Google operates, which I am not.
I’ll even concede the second may have actually been unintentionally accusatory in its implication, but you literally started the comment saying I won’t pay for this service. It’s right there in front of you, you wrote it.
Maybe read your own comment again before being condescending?