wait. there’s 9% that are cool with Ukraine being carved up between McCheato and Poopsie-Bear?
… really?
Makes sense the option would be appealing for some. Some people in predominantly russian areas who want russian victory, and some people who don’t care about said areas and just don’t want to die.
naw. like 8% of poll takers just take the first option or just agree with something because of whatever reason. could be anything. (It’s one of the types of Response Bias.)
chances are the 9% in this poll didn’t even read or listen to the question.
Plus, there are contrarians everywhere.
no there aren’t
There are always absurd answers in any poll. Even if it were about them dropping dead in 5 minutes.
10% of respondents were Russian propaganda agents.
Who’s the 10th dentist?
You don’t say…
That whole self determination thing which are truths we hold self evident.