In the wake of the anti-trans legislation by the Trump Administration, Wikipedia stands as a reliable source for information on trans topics.
Bulwark: A strong structure or wall built for protection. It can also refer to something that acts as a defense against harm or threats.
It’s a new one for me.
Thank you! 👍🏻
also the sides of a ship.
This is why Elon Musk has been whining about it so much.
I think to some extent this cadre is swinging at ghosts. They were presented with inconvenient (to them) truths and rejected them. Now they construct increasingly elaborate and nonsensical alternative reasons for things being the way they are. The consistent observable realities they are encountering get written off as malicious tools of an imagined enemy. So they lash out at anything that contradicts their world view, especially when it’s evidence based and not just opinion.
It’s a fight that will never end, because they live in reality, not their idea of it. This isn’t to excuse their behavior but to say that they’re not just evil and mean or carrying out some carful plan. They’re very much making things up as they go and picking new fights as they hit roadblocks. If left in power, they will slowly destroy everything attempting to make the world fit their preconceived notions.
Until Musks goons he a hold of it
They’re in California so there’s some buffer against that. Hopefully they have a contingency plan to move the operations to Ireland or some other full democracy. You can also download all the information through Kiwix.
I don’t think he can, just due to the way it’s set up. Like, it’s not something that can be bought, and it’s not something the executive branch has any ability to unilaterally effect.
Couldn’t they ban it from America? Like obv it doesn’t collect data in the way tiktok does so they wouldn’t have any sort of case, but I feel like they’d try to find something anyway.
That would require an act of congress, which, while not impossible, is very unlikely given the current situation. some congressional republicans are pissed at him right now, and they have an extremely slim majority, so any defections on such a vote would prevent it from passing.
It’s relatively easy to tell an American company not to provide a product, like they did with Google/Apple and TikTok.
De-listing a website on a national level is considerably more difficult, especially without something equivalent to China’s Firewall.
It’s why Pirate Bay still exists.