I’m reading Reaper by Will Wight. It’s the 10th out of 12.

  • UsernameLost@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Still my favorite series by a mile. I grew up with the series, and would reread the whole series before a new one was released. I was crushed when Robert Jordan died because I thought that meant the series would never be finished (and he seemed like a cool dude). I was ecstatic when they picked Brandon Sanderson to finish it, partly because he’s also one of my favorite authors, but also because that dude is a machine that cranks out quality writing at an insane pace.

    I just finished rereading the series for probably the 15th time a few months ago, it might be time to start again.

    P.s. it’s just getting started at book 3. Lord of Chaos (#6) is one of my favorites.