The tech exists, and vehicles on the road already have it, yet a consortium of carmakers doesn’t want to make this lifesaving equipment standard. The reason is as old as the hills—money.

    1 month ago

    I don’t think it’s a massive leap in logic to claim I am a better driver than most when I haven’t hit anything and I can park between two lines correctly. Most drivers have no clue where the edges of their vehicles are and they seem to really struggle with parking correctly.

    And you have really latched onto an incredibly specific example that I gave of where a car automatically braking would cause an accident where there otherwise would not be an accident. I’m sure I could have explain that rare hypothetical better in my original comment, but it was just the first example I could come up with where an automatic brake would be an issue.

    It’s not something I do often just for the hell of it. It’s something that has come up on a few very rare occasions that I identified as a scenario where having the car automatically brake would be bad. You seem to think that’s a maneuver I’m pulling daily when I can assure you it is not.