The Friends of Bernie Sanders made the payments to the Sanders Institute in two installments of $100,000 in January and March, according to disclosures with the Federal Election Commission.

The senator’s wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, and stepson, David Driscoll, co-established the think tank and unveiled it publicly in 2017 after Sanders’ insurgent 2016 presidential campaign catapulted him to stardom among progressives.

edit: quote changed

    11 months ago

    There is nothing to discuss with a conservative.

    Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Conservativea are incapable of entering into discussions in good faith.

    • jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      011 months ago

      How are my talking points even close to what you call me.

      I am closer to a communist then a libertarian.

      I do not know how you came to that conclusion…

      Good luck and peace!