Just putting this up to contrast with this post and because Eli Valley is a great political cartoonist.

  • @tobogganablaze
    42 months ago

    Yes. But I’m not sure why that is so weird. A progressive candiate would just lose so what’s the point?

      • @tobogganablaze
        52 months ago

        By doing what? Punching yourself in the face by not voting or voting for Trump? I’m not sure that’ll show them … or do anything good.

          • @tobogganablaze
            62 months ago

            weird it’s almost as if

            This phrasing really doesn’t sound that clever after using 3 times.

            Not quite sure what these other options are supposed to be, though I’m just an outsider looking in, so please enlighten me.

            • @whoreticulture@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              2 months ago

              it’s almost as if I am not trying to win clever points lmao

              hey! you can take your disingenuous ass out of this conversation though because if you can’t think of an option other than voting Biden, trump, or not at all, then you’re either lying or you’re so uneducated that you wouldn’t be able to understand the conversation anyway

      • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        Teach democratic leadership that the progressive vote is fairweather at best and that efforts are better spent courting centrist independents who actually show up and vote without having to be beaten over the head with a rhetorical crowbar to convince them to do literally the bare minimum civic duty.


        • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
          12 months ago

          As opposed to the loyal centrist vote that checks notes formed a fucking PAC to elect John McCain the last time the party didn’t give them everything they wanted.

          • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
            12 months ago

            The point is that they don’t have to be convinced to show up at all, just that they have to be convinced to vote for you specifically.

            Some folks in this discussion think that not even being that reliable is some sort of virtue that sends a positive message about their attractiveness as a campaignable demographic.

            • Where are you getting this information that centrists have higher voter turnout than leftists?

              Centrists/swing-voters are definitely not reliable voters for Dems and I don’t know that it’s true that they have high voter turnout overall, yet they are still the focus of Dem campaigns.

              Dems think they don’t have to appeal to leftist voters because they think of them as a reliable base. The unreliability of centrists is what makes them a target for campaigning.

              • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
                02 months ago

                Dems don’t try appealing to the left because the left is anything but a fucking base. If the left spent half the energy on primary turnout alone that they do on bitching and moaning on the internet Bernie would have won both primaries handily and the generals by landslide margins.

                • Bernie did extremely well in the primaries, definitely got votes beyond just the hardcore left population. Idk it just seems like the things you’re saying aren’t rooted in facts.

                  • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
                    02 months ago

                    He did but he lost because both times the youth vote failed to turn out at a rate equal to their share of the population. Nevermind the easy overrepresenting share they could take in the party primary process given the fact that boomers break right much more than Millenials and Zoomers.

                    It wasn’t DNC meddling that defeated Bernie Sanders, it was the entitlement of the white left to everyone else doing the revolution for them and then putting them in charge of it afterwards.