WASHINGTON, Oct 20 (Reuters) - The United States on Friday released a U.S. intelligence assessment sent to more than 100 countries that found Moscow is using spies, social media and Russian state-run media to erode public faith in the integrity of democratic elections worldwide.

“This is a global phenomenon,” said the assessment. “Our information indicates that senior Russian government officials, including the Kremlin, see value in this type of influence operation and perceive it to be effective.”

A senior State Department official, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, said that Russia was encouraged to intensify its election influence operations by its success in amplifying disinformation about the 2020 U.S. election and the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • jimmydoreisalefty
    -289 months ago

    I am pushing back on the US opinion.

    Many seeem to disregard what we have done.

    Why else would I bring it up.

    We are pushing for war in Isreal/Iran again, our ships have been deployed.

    • @ZaroniPepperoni@lemmy.world
      199 months ago

      You refer to the US as a “the” but then go back to referring to “what we have done” on the second line. You do seem very tied up in saying we every sentence, and not just on this post, so I am just going to say it: you are very obviously not American. Stop pretending and own up: you are a propagandist.

      • jimmydoreisalefty
        -199 months ago

        I think you are looking too much into it, that has nothing to do with it.

        The red scare is still going on to this day, reports show that the new generations of Americans are not as nationalistic as in the past.

        Pointing out bots everywhere you look is not helpful, when it is as basic as having different views.

    • PupBiru
      189 months ago

      literally nobody disregards it… every thread anywhere someone points out the US

      WE ALL AGREE! but ITS ALSO NOT OKAY FOR RUSSIA… and thats what the thread is about

      • jimmydoreisalefty
        -219 months ago

        You are right, threads go on tangents.

        I think that is the norm, first thing that came to mind was comparing it to us the USA.

        I see a lot of media talking about other nations, while we still need to improve ours, maybe that is why it keeps popping up.

        The fix your house before you start criticing others houses, statement.

        • NaibofTabr
          9 months ago

          threads go on tangents

          You attempted to take this thread on a tangent, period.

          It didn’t happen naturally, accidentally or organically. You attempted to force it to happen immediately after the article was posted.

          Your intentions are obvious, your motives transparent, your methods clumsy.

          • jimmydoreisalefty
            -89 months ago

            I don’t take these things as serious as you, I just see it as people talking on the internet, while I am trying to bring in my point of view.

            Yes, which will result in clumsy methods and changing topics.

              • jimmydoreisalefty
                -49 months ago

                Yes, article does bring in how outside countries meddle in other countries election, which is gopd to learn about.

        • PupBiru
          9 months ago

          You are right, threads go on tangents.

          this wasn’t a tangent, it was a u-turn 16min after the article was posted

          first thing that came to mind was comparing it to us the USA.

          then the exact propaganda that’s being talked about in the article has worked spectacularly. congratulations on helping russia destabilise democracy across the world without even realising it

          I see a lot of media talking about other nations, while we still need to improve ours, maybe that is why it keeps popping up.

          world: exists

          The fix your house before you start criticing others houses, statement.

          no, it’s nothing like that at all, because this is an autocracy trying to literally destabilise democracy across the world and significantly negatively effect the lives of billions at a time when the world is the least stable and closest to the brink of war that it has been for decades… it is not a house

          • jimmydoreisalefty
            -119 months ago

            Going to your last point:

            In my point of view, if we stopped invading every country for their resources/bringing democracy, and instead helped push for building up countries, how China does soft imperialism, the world would be much more stable. Endless wars did not help make the USA look better, BRICS did not come up because everything was peachy before hand.

            In the the end you seem to be more correct on your assertions and points, I am just blabbering off…