Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced Friday that he will strip funding for Ukraine out of a Pentagon spending bill after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) joined conservatives in blocking the legislation from advancing earlier this week.

McCarthy said he would remove the $300 million for Ukraine currently in the Pentagon appropriations bill and hold a separate vote on the funding.

“It would be out and voted on by itself,” McCarthy said when asked about the Ukraine aid in the Pentagon appropriations bill.

The Speaker’s announcement comes one day after a band of five conservatives opposed a procedural vote for the Pentagon appropriations bill, sinking the effort and preventing the legislation from moving forward. It was the second time this week that hard-liners blocked the funding bill from advancing.

  • IWantToFuckSpez
    10 months ago

    There is a peace deal on the table. If Russia retreats every single soldier out of Ukraine and recognizes all of Ukraines territory and the borders the war is over. But guess who doesn’t agree with that deal? That’s the only deal that Ukraine should make with Russia. There is nothing to negotiate over, the borders have been drawn and internationally recognized decades ago. Any deal where Russia gets to redraw the borders and go home with spoils of war will only make Russia bolder and ready to invade other former Soviet states.

    • jimmydoreisalefty
      110 months ago

      Golden bridge is needed for a superpower, so they can back down, without losing face in their country.

      Does a cornered animal give up or fights back?

      This will just result in more death for both sides, with no end in site.

      Democracy Now interviewed Yanis Varoufakis, I think his view is important to consider:

      Becomes common sense when explained by Yanis.

      (4 min mark about the golden bridge)

      Yanis Varoufakis: The West Is “Playing with Fire” If It Pushes Regime Change in Nuclear-Armed Russia


      Yanis Varoufakis on Putin’s invasion of Ukraine & the US policy of ensuring the war goes on forever


      • Deceptichum
        10 months ago

        Russa is the invader.

        Nothing else matters. Stop invading.

        • jimmydoreisalefty
          110 months ago

          Ukraine is being used to try to weaken Russia.

          The US military companies are making lots of profits.

          In the end, more migration will happen due to Europe out bidding the 3rd world countries, in buying oil and other resources, which will result in more starvation of people.

          Yanis Varoufakis: It’s mad to think Ukraine can win


          • Deceptichum
            110 months ago

            If Russia does not want to be weakened, it can stop invading.

            Nothing else matters. Stop invading.

            • jimmydoreisalefty
              110 months ago

              Well, that is one view, to weaken Russia.

              Another view is that Russia has improved their military stategy against 21st century technology, while also buildin up their military people and technology from weapons that were taken, provided by the west.

                • jimmydoreisalefty
                  110 months ago

                  Just saying that won’t change the real geopolitics and gov’t games going on.

                  More endless wars funded by western and US military companies.