Democracy Now! news clip containing info about Uranium weapons already in Ukraine (supplied by the UK), as well as info about Uranium weapons used in the past (in Iraq), and the effects of their use.

  • FaceDeer
    10 months ago

    Russia is 4x bigger than Ukraine, with many more people.

    Which makes it all the more embarrassing for them, and even more of an indictment of their corrupt Mafia state’s effectiveness, that this so-much-bigger country is having its ass handed to it by Ukraine with the help of the West’s old surplus weapons.

    More poor and working people are dying, when war is brought upon us by the elite of the world to make money.

    Yeah, sure would have been nicer for everyone if Russia had stayed out of Ukraine.

    • jimmydoreisalefty
      010 months ago

      In the US, we fight small countries for resources and profit, way smaller than Ukraine.

      We have 800+ military bases outside the US ready to start wars with many.

      NATO and US has a lot tobdo with the war, similar thing is happening in Taiwan, China.