Democracy Now! news clip containing info about Uranium weapons already in Ukraine (supplied by the UK), as well as info about Uranium weapons used in the past (in Iraq), and the effects of their use.

  • @tram1@programming.devOP
    010 months ago

    WTF is this “I am going to say this again so that you understand”? lol You wanna fistfight or something? You wanna measure our degrees? Please be more polite… I didn’t say anything insulting or even extreme, neither did the news clip. You did earlier when you accused me of being pro-Putin for being concerned about fucking Uranium being used in a war which, I assume, is far closer to my home than yours… Also, by your attitude bad scientist.

          10 months ago

          Yes I am angry. My family is from Ukraine. So yeah its a little bit more personal than most wars are.

          • @tram1@programming.devOP
            410 months ago

            OK. I understand this, but you shouldn’t accuse people who are concerned about a war or hope for peace of being pro-Putin… Nothing I said, or the video said, is remotely pro-Putin… You instantly made me your enemy, equating me to people who support the opposite side. When things are most emotional one should be careful not to let their feelings cloud their judgment…