• bluGill
    -910 months ago

    I’m hoping for a third party I can vote for. As a ‘right wing’, ‘liberal’, and whatever other labels you want to put on me… the R’s stated values most closely match what I want in general, but i’ve votes mostly thrid party for decades now as few I can trust to vote my values are running. The third party I vote for is of course wackos I wouldn’t want to win, but they won’t and maybe my vote sends a message.

    • Silverseren
      510 months ago

      “the R’s stated values most closely match what I want in general”

      I mean, that’s all I really know, knowing what the R’s stated values are, to tell that you are not a person I ever want to associate with. Because their stated values are monstrous.

      • bluGill
        -110 months ago

        You have no idea which values I stand for, and which I have a problem with, but you have already judged me? We learned a lot about you.

        • Silverseren
          410 months ago

          You said you stand for Republican values. Nothing on the Republican party platform is defensible. Have you read it?

    • jimmydoreisalefty
      -210 months ago

      Green Party has Dr. Cornel West!

      Libertarian Party also runs people during General Election.

      • Flying Squid
        210 months ago

        Why would you bother voting for either? No one will know unless you tell them and it will change absolutely nothing.

        Libertarians have a proven track record of never winning anything and Greens don’t even run in down ballot races but expect to win nationally. Not even in terms of their ideology, they’re useless.

        • jimmydoreisalefty
          -310 months ago

          Voting for Trump or Biden did not help working people.

          They are both useless and corrupt.

          Voting 3rd Party is a start, in the long term, instead of just looking at the short term.