• Sagrotan
    10 months ago

    She’s right. One thing though: here in Germany it’s a bit different. They need money too, yes, they listen to the corporate overlords too, but for another reason: they do anything - and I mean ANY thing - to get more votes. No, that’s not a good thing. For example: they do rather nothing than lose votes. Parties like the ultra right AFD are prospering by appealing to the lowest instincts and fears. But many people vote for them because they think, they will change stuff because nobody does. And that’s only one thing, I could go on and on. What I’m saying is that the problem is even deeper, the tyranny of the majority works both ways, and politicians and citizens both lose. Only the rich will find a way, every time, to exploit the system, because it’s actually easy. A child could do that. Ok, a manipulative asshole child could do this. I don’t have a solution, I’ve got some ideas, but so has everyone, right?! The thing is: we, as in WE ALL HUMAN BEINGS, have to take responsibility not only for us, for our fellow people too, neighbors, society, etc. Not with the morale of law, religion or obligation or duty, with human sense. And if you think this through that means that nations, as we know them, have to change. We live on one insignificant pebble in the dark nothing, we, as mankind, have to grow up a bit, from the ego-driven early childhood, we’re in, at least to early teenagers. With all that comes with it. Money has to take second or third place after humanity, empathy and common sense. Education for all. Making it impossible for individuals to amass billions. And this change can only come from within everyone of us. Is somebody full of hate, it’s almost every time fear.

    • jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      110 months ago

      Thank you for taking the time to explain your view!

      True, we need to stop being cowards and start going against the status quo.