Its even worse when you force Firefox to use wayland its icon doesn’t even show.

Edit: Oh since everyone now is confused; I only have the flatpak version of Firefox installed yet it doesn’t use the pinned icon and doesn’t even use the firefox icon under wayland at all.

    • xyz
      1511 months ago

      Yes. I do have some applications installed as flatpak. What’s the problem?

        -2111 months ago

        That’s the whole problem, don’t use flatpak. It’s the worst way of solving a problem that’s already solved.

          11 months ago
          • What problem?
          • How is it already solved?

          This comment chain feels like talking to a brick wall. It’s just “don’t use flatpak” over and over again but with different words.

              11 months ago

              Almost all popular applications on flathub come with filesystem=host, filesystem=home or device=all permissions

              So if I checked the permissions with flatseal and that statement isn’t true for any of my flatpacks…where do we go from here?

              • Hovenko
                110 months ago

                You can uninstall your package since you are not able to use it anymore. lol

            • igorlogius
              11 months ago

              The problem with dependencies, that’s the only reason for people to look at flatpak.

              no, not really, flatpak is a distro agnostic way to build and distribute packages, which is HUGE for developers and distros, since those dont have to waste time to repackage (built+test) software to work on their systems and instead use that time to deal with other issues.


              The author should really take that site down. AFAIK, all the points are now invalid.

                • igorlogius
                  711 months ago

                  silly and lazy

                  Not really, if you think about how many distros there are and how many people are currently wasting time with re-packaging software over and over for them i think you’ll come to realize that this is a very clever and efficient move. The way it is done currently seems rather silly in comparison.

                  Sidenote: You keep using the term OS … which is false in the sense, that flatpak doenst come with a direct hardware layer / kernel

                    011 months ago

                    Aside from the kernel you still need most libs, including glibc so it’s a OS without the kernel.

                    Next evolution will then be to use flatpak from within flatpak or what?

                    11 months ago

                    Docker is made for servers, it’s totally a different usecase.

                    I am not anti VM and docker, I just don’t think we need more levels of indirection in the OS, I also don’t think a distro based heavily on flatpak will be any good, one thing is sure it will be using a lot of diskspace and memory, as there’s no sharing of libs. And if flatpak starts sharing libs it just re-invented the GNU linker.

        • λλλ
          911 months ago

          I just feel like you could have provided alternatives? How is it solved? Genuine question…

            110 months ago

            Package managers like apt or rpmn(or whatever for your distro) are the standard way to install software. If there’s a good reason to avoid them, OK, but no good reason was stated here.

            • zbecker
              210 months ago

              @orcrist @lambda

              There definitely is a problem that flatpak is trying to solve. That problem is dependency hell.

              This most often (or rather most famously) occurs with python packaging. Sometimes you can have one package that requires a version that is incompatible with another version that another package requires. That’s why people use python venv these days (or just use pipx).

              IMO a better way of solving this is with nix. With nix, it doesn’t require a container, it just builds in isolation.

              Thing is, this will probably end up a VHS vs Beta Max.

              • λλλ
                010 months ago

                I am very impressed by nix. I have tried nixOS and it was very nice. But, I might have to try the package manager as a standalone to see how I like that.

                • zbecker
                  110 months ago

                  @lambda a lot of people do nix-env -ia nameOfPackage. I would recommend doing it properly with a file, and you just direct that command to the file (I would probably setup an alias). It gives you that declarative nature that nix is known for.

                  • λλλ
                    110 months ago

                    I’ll try that for sure. I need to lookup if nix packages work on Steam Deck…

            -111 months ago

            Basically you install the application inside a little OS with dependencies each time you install a flatpak, that OS is rarely updated with security patches and most of the time has full access to the host OS.

            This is a lazy and insecure way of distributing applications with no real benefits.

            • Hovenko
              410 months ago

              Exactly. The QA of flatpaks is done in “trust me bro” framework. You can just go back to windows at this point.

              If I install a package on my distro I know it went through a shitload of testing and I can be sure I am not installing some crap on my system.

              • λλλ
                010 months ago

                I don’t know what distro you use, but packages in their repos have “maintainers” that are usually volunteers. Downloading from repos from the distro is trusting whoever the maintainer is there. I don’t see how that is any better than a flatpak… At least with Flatpak many packages are maintained by the developer. I believe that would be more secure.

                • Hovenko
                  210 months ago

                  Major distros are usually backed by a compamny which provides enterprise version. Maintainers are actually employees paid for their work. Even if you pick a derivate distro you will inherit that testing process. So please get your facts straight before talking, you obviously need it. Here how it is done: Each package update, distro install process goes through automated testing. This detects bugs, dependency issues, you name it. If something fails package goes back for human review. And as you can see it is an open process which YOU can review any time.

                  So… how are the flatpaks tested? Please show me some facts. I am interested in this new “trust me bro” QA framework.

                  • λλλ
                    10 months ago

                    You are very confrontational. I love being proven wrong so that I can learn more. But, your language is belittling. I hope my message didn’t come across that way.

                    Either way, looking at DistroWatch OpenSuse is about the #10 most popular Linux OS. MxLinux, Linux Mint, Debian, and Ubuntu are all debian based and above OpenSuse. Debian is by volunteers according to the Debian Package Maintainers Guide. So, I would think that the most-popular distros (especially in the non-professional world) are maintained by volunteers.

                    That comes with nuance though and I understand that. For instance, debian is celebrating 30 years. In that time I am sure many package maintainers have probably done this for very long amounts of time. So they are probably more worthy of trust than some Flatpak maintainers. But, when a flatpak is maintained by the developer (not that common in my experience) I would trust them the most.

                    Now, something I wasn’t aware of until someone else linked it is how bad Flatpak is as a sandbox. But, I never used it wanting a sandbox. I like it for the isolation of libraries (Dependency Hell). Updating my OS never breaks any packages, because the libraries are separated.

                    As for qa testing. It would be on a per-package stand point. I see how helpful that is. But, I’m not installing any command line utilities through Flatpak. Just desktop apps, like browsers, game launchers, etc. So, maybe we are talking about different types of packages…

                    I’m not convinced Flatpaks are inherently worse than packages from the OS’s repos themselves. But, I will be trying nix package manager as a replacement.

          • zbecker
            10 months ago

            @lambda @BeigeAgenda

            Imo a better alternative to flatpak is the nix package manager, but as I said to the other guy this’ll most likely end up a VHS/betamax situation.

            Both things are trying to solve dependency hell in different ways. Flatpak just builds and runs everything in a container, where as nix sets up virtual environments and builds things in isolation with per package dependency trees in an effort to make builds entirely reproducible (to the point that no matter what system you compile on, you will get the same hash).

            Edit: as the other guy said, just use your systems package manager unless it doesn’t exist in the repo and you can’t be bothered to package it yourself. It’s the standard recommended method.

            • λλλ
              110 months ago

              How does your server instance here on Lemmy show as “null” it’s not even a URL??

              • zbecker
                110 months ago

                @lambda it’s not a Lemmy server, it’s a mastodon server. I assume it has something to do with that.

                • λλλ
                  110 months ago

                  Oh, I didn’t know they are intercompatible…