Currently I am a uni student, working 4 days a week during the summer, moving to about 3 during term time.

Every day I’m not working I feel tired constantly, regardless of amount of sleep. I push through anyways to get the work that needs done finished, then sit down and just collapse basically. I wouldn’t even call it relax, just sit and switch off.

I don’t have any energy or motivation to play games anymore, even though I used to play avidly. I play guitar but it’s been feeling like I’m not getting as much out of it now…

Once I’m out of uni, I’ll be in full-time and, if I get into the industry I want, more mentally taxing work.

In short, is there something I’m missing here, or is work-eat-sleep-repeat all there is until I retire? Cause frankly I’m more sure I can be arsed if not…


Thanks for the responses, I kinda posted this in a moment of hopelessness for life and I don’t really know what I wanted as a response.

Asking for the meaning of life? Lemmy’s great and all, but I don’t think I’ll find it here lmao

Regardless, there’s a few things here for me to look into and take further, so thank you again!

If this is to close for comfort for rule 3, feel free to delete mods

  • The_Mixer_Dude
    2 years ago

    This is great advice. To add to this, over sleeping in general will tank your energy and make you feel even more tired. To add to this I know personally that feeling as if I have slept through a big portion of my free time will make me feel very upset and definitely make my depression worse. It’s taken me a very very long time (probably 6-7 years) to actually realize this and force myself to not just slump around on days off but to actually get a proper amount of sleep and wake up early in the morning. Typically I will get up anywhere between 6-8am and I always feel much better as I know I have so much of my day ahead of me to work on projects or even just relax and watch TV, play video games, or spend time prepping for my week ahead just to do some simple things to minimize the amount of work I have ahead of me during the week.