• @Zoboomafoo@yiffit.net
    11 months ago

    Nancy Pelosi, one of the most effective and successful politicians in congress?

    That’s high praise

    • jimmydoreisalefty
      -811 months ago

      We have different views, I was for the progressives, that was the only reason we wanted AOC.

      Now she is just another blue dog democrat.

        • jimmydoreisalefty
          -1111 months ago

          Look at what she ran on and what she is doing now, she is moving more and more closer to the blue dogs.

          I am just trying to point out the reality of politicians.

          We have to stop seeing them as our saviors or people that can’t be corrupted, they are politicians.

          We need to force them to fight for the people, we can’t treat them as just another celebrity.

          Power is not given just because we like them and defend them, we need to keep pushing them so they stay in line to what they ran on.