probably cause they didn’t invest much in cybersec…like most companies…and they deserve it, for not hiring such essential engineers
probably cause they didn’t invest much in cybersec…like most companies…and they deserve it, for not hiring such essential engineers
medieval problems require medieval solutions
alot of airlines also make deportations, but probably in a less obvious way…anyway blame france that wants to bomb niger, and then the rest of european countries will have to bear the consequences, Italy in particular
thats the case with any public transport: farts are unpredictable and the whole group have to bear with the emissions of a single passenger. one could make use of a 3M hepa mask if questionable odors are very bothering…
Its a european company, i will look up the article link one moment . Plane has a separate part of the cabin where it house seperate 93 seats where only adults beyond 16 of age are allowed access to, for the extra premium of 40€ per seat.
hope this is translatable cause its in french. maybe check their sales dept for info maybe, if the booking option doesn’t show up on their site
pointless slrpnk material
fuck_u_in_particular kinda vibe
CopyQ is awesome.
probably ur battery already formed dendrites, causing it to have micro shorts internally and thus spreading heat in the phone case. a phone with 10w charging causes the battery to heat, let alone ur galaxy s20 charging at 15w. i actively cool my phone battery while charging by putting it in front of a fan so the battery stays cool and doesn’t form dendrites, and thus stays healthy. i also use a silicon case instead of leather else u ll be thermally suffocating ur phone: it uses metal as a case material for a reason. exynos for s20 seem to be made on the 7nm process node which usually should be efficient in term of temps. even when the cpu heats up (even using the 4g antenna, let alone a 5g one when active, the camera flash, all those heats up and causes the phone case to heat up too and then a chain cycle ensues by causing the battery to heat up sponatneously too, then it dries up faster than usual which compels the user to plug the charger and the infinite cycle of heat will never end…i never owned an exynos phone but sometimes a phone need to be underpowered so it could last.samsung phones are really overperforming but unluckely their users aren’t just thermal conscious. no engineering degree is needed to have a grasp over phone thermals but sometimes having some knowledge is needed if u cherich ur phone
busy week huh
In this section, the narrator explores the peculiarities of how cities are defined in the UK. Unlike other countries where city status is typically determined by population or government structure, Britain has its own unique criteria. The list of officially recognized cities in the UK includes some surprising and seemingly unworthy contenders, while notable places like London, Reading, and Northampton are mysteriously absent. Contrary to popular misconceptions, having a cathedral or a university does not necessarily confer city status. Instead, city status in Britain is granted by the monarch through personal command and letters patent. This tradition dates back to the 10th century and is the sole determinant of whether a place is officially classified as a city. The misconception that cathedrals play a role in city status stems from the historical significance of powerful church centers in small settlements. However, in the 19th century, as towns grew due to the Industrial Revolution, the rules were changed, and places like Birmingham gained city status based on their industrial importance rather than religious institutions. Overall, the criteria for city status in Britain are distinct and can be attributed solely to the monarch’s decision. 00:05:00 In this section, the narrator discusses the inconsistencies in the list of British cities and how some cities have lost their city status. The merging of Rochester with its neighbors in 1998 inadvertently removed it from the official list of British cities. However, the opportunity to regain city status came in 2000 when the government allowed towns to bid for it. Many towns submitted bids, with Reading being the favorite to win. Ultimately, three new cities were added to the list: Brighton, Hove, and Inverness. The narrator questions the advantages of being a city instead of a town, as the benefits seem minimal. The bidding process seems to benefit the government in terms of positive PR without requiring much commitment. 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker questions the government’s authority to change the definition of a city and suggests that perhaps it’s time to abandon this system altogether and replace it with something more meaningful. However, the speaker recognizes that the government has more pressing matters to address and doubts that redefining the definition of a city will be a priority. The speaker concludes that this tradition, filled with pomp, ceremony, and a bit of royalty, is a quintessentially British thing that adds to the country’s charm, and it’s unlikely to change anytime soon. The speaker humorously predicts that at the current rate, every corner of the country will become a city by the year 3000.
Intel unveiled its first direct mesh-to-mesh photonic fabric at the Hot Chips 2023 chip conference, highlighting its progress towards a future of optical chip-to-chip interconnects that are also championed by the likes of Nvidia and Ayar Labs. However, the eight-core 528-thread chip that Intel used for the demonstration stole the spotlight due to its unique architecture that sports 66 threads per core to enable up to 1TBs of data throughput. Surprisingly, the chip consumes only 75W of power, with 60 of the power being used by the optical interconnects, but the design could eventually enable systems with two million cores to be directly connected with under 400ns latency. Intels PUMA Programmable Unified Memory Architecture chip is part of the DARPA HIVE program that focuses on improving performance in petabyte-scale graph analytics work to unlock a 1000X improvement in performance-per-watt in hyper-sparse workloads. Surprisingly for an x86-centric company like Intel, the test chip utilizes a custom RISC architecture for streamlined performance in graph analytics workloads, delivering an 8X improvement in single-threaded performance. The chip is also created using TSMCs 7nm process, not Intels own internal nodes. After characterizing the target workloads, Intel concluded that it needed to craft an architecture that solved the challenges associated with extreme stress on the memory subsystem, deep pipelines, branch predictors, and out-of-order logic created by the workload. Intels custom core employs extreme parallelism to the tune of 66 hardware threads for each of the eight cores, large L1 instruction and data caches, and 4MB of scratchpad SRAM per core. The eight-core chip features 32 optical IO ports that operate at 32 GBsdir apiece, thus totaling 1TBs of total bandwidth. The chips drop into an eight-socket OCP server sled, offering up to 16 TBs of total optical throughput for the system, and each chip is fed by 32GB of custom DDR5-4000 DRAM. Intel fabbed the chip on TSMCs 7nm process with 27. 6 billion transistors spanning a 316mm2 die. The eight cores, which consume 1. 2 billion transistors, run down the center of the die, flanked by eight custom memory controllers with an 8-byte access granularity.
off topic but feed ur dishwasher softened water to avoid limestone formation. water softening device is a good investement in this regard, to feed multiple appliances: washing machine, water heater, etc …
If it uses internal storage as swap, thats ofc way quicker. but u know what quicker ? real lpddr ram. if its 24 gig lpddr ram then i am all in :)
24gig ? thats probably with swap enabled (like all chinese phones, false advertizing). any rooted phone with enabled swap could help extend the ram this much too. heck there s a paid app that could enables limitless swap using any class 10 sd card. also 120w would only make since if it would charge a 10k mAh battery or something.
Infinix Note 30 has an option where when plugging the charger and using the phone at the same time electricity would be used to feed the phone directly, instead of charging the battery (since charging the battery (33w fast charge) while using the phone causes it to heat and lose from its life) thus it stays cool during simultaneous usage and charging: now one could do work on a plugged phone without the risk of ruining the battery
thats how it will pan out: google is just adding an extra step to flight booking: making it booking with extra steps.