With rock’n’roll, it was not even just about money, it also did a pretty good job of bridging the gap between black and white people - I don’t think it’s realistic to say that this would have worked equally well if all the bands had been black.
With rock’n’roll, it was not even just about money, it also did a pretty good job of bridging the gap between black and white people - I don’t think it’s realistic to say that this would have worked equally well if all the bands had been black.
It’s a tough line to draw, because even if they aren’t the main profitees, the culture where the thing originated often still profited. e.g. AFAIK rock’n’roll getting popular with white americans was pretty good for black americans, even though many of the best selling artists (e.g. Elvis Presley) were white.
My YouTube frontpage is actually empty. Might be due to the various browser extensions I’m using, not sure which one though.
I’m reading quite a few blogs, a lot of them don’t have RSS anymore.
You need to have a couple of explicitly anticapitalist thoughts to see the issue with it. So yeah, most won’t see the issue with it.
Die DDR hatte aber ganz andere Probleme als 200 000 Demonstranten, der Staat stand eh schon mit dem Rücken zur Wand und es gab ganz sicher keine schweigende Mehrheit, die am liebsten einen noch autoritäreren Staat gehabt hätte.
Was soll man auch fordern, wenn die Politik die Demonstrationen weitgehend ignoriert? Letztlich hat dort ein sehr kleiner Teil der Deutschen demonstriert, und dass die Umfragewerte der Parteien, die jetzt ins Rassismus-Horn blasen, nicht eingebrochen sind, scheint die Parteien zu bestätigen.
Many ways to end up there. Falling chronically ill is an easy to understand one, even depression can leave you completely unable to get or keep a half-decent job, but many of the better-paying jobs also require some amount of physical fitness. And if you live in the US, any kind of emergency can single-handedly wipe out all of your savings.
Also spending some time in prison might do it, which often happens for bullshit charges. Or just plain old generational economic deprivation - it’s a feedback loop!
That Gen Z fighter is going to turn around, hit their trainer in the nuts and call them a boomer.
Und ich würde behaupten, dass die meisten dieser Unternehmen (vielleicht bis auf kommunale Energie-Unternehmen) beweisen, dass das ein Holzweg ist.
Bei nichtkirchlicher Jugendarbeit kann man wenigstens davon ausgehen, dass Feuerwehr oder Sportverein Wuppertal ihre Päderasten nicht in Brasilien verstecken.
A lot of online leftists aren’t doing anything because they don’t know how to do something (or are scared, e.g. of losing their job or of getting brutalized by the police). If you aren’t doing anything in The Real World™ there are only so many things left to do, and the internet is genuinely terrible about people who make mistakes or change their opinion.
Die AfD ist ja eh vor allem dort stark, wo es vergleichsweise wenig Ausländer gibt (d.h. im Osten und im ländlichen Raum). In Städten könnte es kurzfristig die Mieten senken, wenn die Bevölkerung um einige Prozent sinkt, aber das würde kaum den wirtschaftlichen Schaden durch Arbeitskräftemangel ausgleichen. Allein schon die ganzen Jobs, die aktuell vor allem von Ausländern ausgeführt werden - welcher AfD-Wähler hat Bock, für Mindestlohn Toiletten zu putzen oder in der Fleischfabrik Schweinehälften zu bearbeiten?
Maybe he’s just part of the “why would Jesus want the instrument of his torture-execution worshipped? that’s fucked up dude”-school of thought. Then again, it would be a bit weird for a literal alien to be christian.
Tolkien also wrote the orcs as pretty explicitly “always evil”, at least in lord of the rings and the hobbit. He seemed to be conflicted about making an always-evil race, but that IS how it’s written in those books.
Most of today’s living elves were already alive back then! By human standards, those times were like the 1990s … which were actually pretty different times when it comes to political correctness, so fair point actually.
MS Word is essentially a monopoly, but that doesn’t mean that every detail of its features is worth copying - quite the opposite, actually. And again, why do you even want to automatically capitalize the first word after a line break that is not a proper sentence stop?
Or why LibreOffice is so stubborn on keeping the menu bar default instead of the ribbon-bar
AFAIK many users, especially those used to the old UI, dislike the ribbon design.
AI is in its infancy, and I’m pretty sure a lot of AI services are sold below cost right now. This situation could change drastically if the monetization model changes. On that note, AFAIK YouTube, which hosts much of the content that small creators produce, still isn’t profitable.
Es gibt einen großen Unterschied zwischen Gutverdienern und Multimillionären (reiche Unternehmer, Manager von großen Konzernen usw.), die wirklich Reichen sind ja nicht so zahlreich. Ich bin leider nicht tief genug drin, um zu sagen, wie viele der Haushalte in diesem “Bonzenviertel” mehrere Millionen besitzen; die Wahlergebnisse die weiter oben verlinkt sind sprechen für mich eher dagegen, dass dort praktisch nur Multimillionäre wohnen.