The ending of NOTLD is still so relevant today, sadly.
The ending of NOTLD is still so relevant today, sadly.
I also loved It Follows. I was already hearing the soundtrack, before i saw the Movie. It made the movie feel so familiar, while at the same time experiencing something completely new.
The score composer, Disasterpeace, otherwise makes game music. This may have added to the game feeling.
The opening sequence of 28 Weeks always makes my heart run, until he jumps on the boat.
I keep forgetting that the zombies are really fast.
Only in combination with the 2 above
I think he meant, they took their human costumes off and took a walk.
Later i figured he was no teen anymore, if he played while you were growing up.
He really sounds pretty cool.
Like a Perlman for a Hellboy
( I haven’t got the skin yet )
The aar is infinite.
OMG someone that played resident evil is a grandfather? I really never felt as old as now.
It’s like an old kind of onion headline, before someone fucked with the timeline and realities got mixed up.
I wanted to use this as an icon, here’s a clean cut out, for anyone interested
That’s more of a severe Bug, than a mere Glitch.
I wanted to like the movie, but drunk will smith just didn’t do it at all for me.
I totally agree with both your comments, but to be fair, they said “movies”.
I sincerely think he is not aware of that. He sits and posts like he would be talking into a room.
When someone confronts him with something he wrote, his mind must go “they weren’t even there, I’ll just deny it, it’s my word against theirs?”
Sometimes it makes more sense, without Heathcliff in the Panel
Oh shit, now we’re never getting to the belt.
Isn’t it “Last Modified” - that should add the date