I have a Philips GoogleTV. I installed a different app launcher on it, now I don’t get any ads anywhere anymore.
I have a Philips GoogleTV. I installed a different app launcher on it, now I don’t get any ads anywhere anymore.
You lose out on the reviews of people who tap out after a couple hours of constant crashing and bugs.
The games were free for a long time, and a community patch made them work. That was a significantly better deal than having to pony up 40 bucks for an EA patch that’s barely functional.
There are a lot of bugs that crash the game. It’s barely functional for most. Just look at the Steam reviews.
These games were free before, and with a community patch were still playable. This rerelease somehow got a worse patch than the community patch and costs 40 bucks.
DoE was founded in 1867.
He doesn’t have enough money to be constitutionally protected.
True, but that’s why the original comment seemed surprised, that a service like Slack doesn’t have this given how many corporations use it.
Well you could make it work, for example some random pattern in chat backgrounds that trace back to whoever is the user. That would still show up in a screenshot.
If the Dutch election was any indication, it will long-term benefit the AfD and hurt the CDU.
When the VVD, frontrunner at the time, suggested they could work with the PVV, a lot of right-wing voters shifted from the VVD to the PVV. Suddenly the PVV became the largest party, doubling their seats, whilst the VVD lost a third.
Ah, Chinese people not using the meme to make fun of Xi must be why Xi banned it from Chinese websites. Must be all those western chauvinists that frequent Chinese websites.
Makes total sense. I gotchu.
Pretty sure Google did restore it, no? It was Google’s fuckup, but there were backups.
It really feels like you’re misreading this post. I know people have been trying to gotcha him, but that’s really nowhere to be read in this post.
I’m not really sure I follow your metaphor. This post isn’t claiming Trump should have “fixed the roof”. At best it claims we should fund NASA to detect meteors, to stick with your metaphor.
Trump’s claims are also not mentioned in this post, so whether or not it is “in reply” is also just a matter of your interpretation.
Yes let me just write an entire election manifesto whilst I’m taking my morning dump.
These are just examples of policies that actually do something for the majority of Americans, and that seem to be popular across the board.
This post does not claim that Trump caused the crash. It only says that Trump gutted a key aviation safety committee, presumably because he believes they aren’t necessary (or they slighted Elon or whatever the reason may be), only to have a terrible aviation disaster happen on his doorstep.
The contrast is what makes this a juxtaposition. It displays Trump’s lack of good judgement, it doesn’t blame him for the accident.
Raise the minimum wage, implement a single-payer universal healthcare system.
When Sanders was on stage at Fox News being grilled by their anchors for being “too radical”, Sanders turned to the audience and asked them if these policies were really so radical.
The Fox News audience chanted “No!” (to the surprise of the Fox anchors).
Slashing healthcare costs and putting more money in people’s pockets are winning strategies, especially if you can call out Republicans on their bullshit messaging.
It’s because supposed stablecoins often also end up being scams.
I don’t mind opposing views. I do mind views that say some of my family members or some of my friends should kill themselves. I have no business on a platform that allows such hateful conduct, end of story.
It’s a matter of basic decency and respect.
floofloof already provided the source, but just to add: I found it using tineye.
A substantial part of the optimisation was simply not compiling as a debug target. There were plenty of oversights by Nintendo devs (not to discredit all they’ve accomplished here). And most tooling for this Kaze developed himself (because who else develops for the N64?).
It’s mostly the result of a couple really clever and passionate people actually taking it apart to a very low level. Nintendo could have absolutely done most of these optimisations themselves, they don’t really rely on many newly discovered techniques or anything. Still, they had deadlines of course, which Kaze & Co. don’t.
I use Projectivy at the moment. Pretty close to stock visually, just without the ads or apps you can’t hide. Enough for me to make it tolerable.