Hacking the internet archive and fixing the problem? Good.
Hacking the internet archive and releasing information? Deservement to die.
What problem? What information?
Account details like emails, logins, passwords, etc
They explained (in a now deleted response on twitter) that they targeted the Internet Archive because the US government is implicated in the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the Internet Archive belongs to the US.
A cursory search could’ve revealed that that’s simply untrue.
Some people on twitter assume this is actually a Russian attack coinciding with the election, because apparently many journalists rely on the Internet Archive for research and sourcing.
Also they pay Elon $8 a month.
More screenshots are here: https://xcancel.com/p9cker_girl/status/1844203626681794716
What I find odd is that the message that they actually left on the site has nothing to do with Palestine, just childish “lol btfo” sort of message. So I wouldn’t be surprised if these guys aren’t the ones who actually did it, and it’s merely a false flag to make pro-Palestinian protesters look like idiotic assholes.
Reminds me of this asshole who vandalized openstreetmap a while back to “point out a security flaw”
By changing the names of a bunch of prominent buildings to racist terms
link please?
I can’t find the community forum thread where I originally learned about it, but here’s a BBC article discussing the downstream fallout for apps that use OSM data.
Memo: the publishers Wiley, Penguin Random House, Harper Collins and Hachette sued the Internet Archive for over $600m.
If you thought the people can’t sink any further, then somebody who does this comes along…
Am I the only person being confused by the apparent mirroring of the last two frames? Good comic BTW, I spent way too long on X and decided that those guys are either infiltrated by mossad, or they’re actually that uninforned/unintelligent
I was confused for a second what does 8AM have to do with a headless creature, before I figured out what it means.
I haven’t figured out what it means.
“BAM!” In the comic looks like “8AM!”
One minute it’s 7: 59 AM and then the next minute BAM
Gave me a good chuckle
Lol, I thought it meant the attack began at 8 AM.
Was’n passiert?
Uff, was für Hurensöhne.
Sind wahrscheinlich Leute, die sonst Kinderkrankenhäuser lahmlegen
Ich vermute eher kommerzielle Angreifer. Warum sollen das immer nur Privatleute sein.
Wahr, natürlich die Israelis.
Das pisst mich richtig an
Ich werd auch so aggressiv.
Holy hell!
I want my BFG
What’s a BFG?
Big Fucking Gun
They’re Doomed.
Ui, Peddä mit den 600 Hochwählis, @ZonenRanslite@feddit.org
Glückwunsch Großer
Falsche Community für Auszeichnung
Die einzig richtige Community ist die Gommunity.
What’s the over/under hacker was a corpo?